

My mom approached me many years ago with a box of binders and a fistful of folders containing countless clippings and numberless notes and asked me to try and put together the family tree.  Alliteration aside, I dove in and tried.  And the more time I spent with it, the more the bug dug in.  I relly enjoyed and was becoming a Genealogist. 

No, I don’t have any fancy degrees, but armed with some journalism skills, and a thirst for history, I really started to put together some serious info.  I was solving mysteries and answering questions that the relatives had.  Eventually publishing findings and stories on the web.  I knew that I was getting somewhere when I noticed that other researchers were citing my work and sharing things with me.  One wonderful lady even found and old, a really old, family bible at a rummage sale and sent it to me.  The notes in that bible contained fabulous information and allowed me to knock down a major roadblock.

That was many, many years ago.  It all came crashing down when the web hosting service I was using did something weird which corrupted my whole site.  Then they went out of business.  Now I’m essentially starting over.  The publishing software is all new to me and I’m experiencing quite a learning curve.  Goal is to get it all the old stuff back, then updated so it’s all current, and finally to start some fresh research.  Grant me great patience.  And thank you for bearing with me!