and adjuster, for Wisconsin, for the Home Insurance Company, of New York, with
his headquarters at Appleton, Outagamie county, is a native of New York State,
born December 20, 1840, in St. Lawrence county.
Robert Briggs,
his father, was born, in 1815, in Schenectady County, N. Y., a son of Robert
Briggs, also a native of New York State, a farmer by occupation, who died in
St. Lawrence County in 1856. Robert
Briggs married Miss Mary C. Banister, born in Vermont in 1813, a daughter of
Heman Banister, who was drowned when she was a young girl. Six children were
born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Briggs, namely: Theodore W., Rozella M., Lewis A.,
Seraph A., Almira L. and Mary E., of whom Rozella M. (who married George H. Ketchum,
and had one son, Friend), died at the age of at twenty, and Mary E. (married to
Dr. H. W. Long,
and had one son, Frederick) died at the age of thirty-two; the others are yet
living. The family came to Wisconsin,
settling in Appleton in 1853. The father,
who was a farmer in the East, but after coming to Wisconsin was engaged in
mason work, died in 1855; the mother passed away in 1861. Mr. Briggs was a
truly good citizen, and considering he had but a common-school education, was a
man of very general knowledge. He was also a hard worker, and after coming to
this State labored on the Lawrence University building in Appleton; was also
employed on the construction of the locks for the Green Bay & Mississippi
Canal Company, and on other public works, till sickness put an end to his
life's labors, which at one time were continued day and night, so anxious was
he for the welfare of his family.
Theodore W. Briggs, whose name
introduces this sketch, was thirteen years old when the family came to
Wisconsin and to Appleton. He received but a limited common-school education,
attending only three months after his father's death, which occurred when the
lad was fifteen years old. At the age of sixteen he commenced clerking at the
general store of Phinney Bros., with whom he remained about two years,
receiving for his services two to three dollars per week. He then clerked in Mr. J. W. Hutchinson's
General store some four years, or until 1861, in which year he entered the
store of C. J. Pettibone, and there remained until 1865. At this time he was
appointed agent at Appleton for the American Express Company, in connection
with which he opened a general store, which, however, he discontinued in 1870.
In April, 1867, he was appointed agent for the Phoenix Insurance Company, of
Hartford, later taking the agency of several other companies, and on closing up
his mercantile business he was enabled to give his insurance interests his
undivided attention. In 1874 he formed a partnership with A. H. Conkey, under
firm name of Conkey & Briggs. In 1878 he commenced traveling for the Fire
Association of Philadelphia, as special agent for Wisconsin and
Minnesota, but still retained his interest in the local agency, his partner,
Mr. A. H. Conkey, attending to the home business. This continued until February
1887, when Mr. Briggs was appointed compact manager for all the leading
insurance companies, doing business in twenty-seven towns and cities in his
vicinity. In 189I he resigned this position, and accepted a special agency for
the States of Wisconsin and Minnesota, with the Home Insurance Company, of
New York, with headquarters at Appleton. In the fall of 1893, when the Western
Department of the "Home" was discontinued, our subject was appointed
State agent and adjuster for Wisconsin, with headquarters still at
In 1862 Mr. Briggs was married to Leona
S. Dane, a native of Nova Scotia, born in 1844 in the town of Lockport, and
children as follows have been born to them: Curtis E., Cornelia S., Jay
Fred, Mary E., Carrie H., Ina F. and Theodore L., of whom Curtis E. (the
eldest in the family), died when twenty-six years of age; Fred when aged six
years and six months; Jerry B. was killed while "coasting" in
Appleton, at the age of sixteen. Mrs. Briggs is a daughter of Thomas and
Elizabeth (Locke) Dane, both Nova Scotians, her father being a ship owner; he
came to Wisconsin in 1860, locating in Appleton, where he conducted a
general store, and was interested in a hub and spoke factory. The mother of
Mrs. Briggs died there in 1886, and Mr. Dane then returned to Nova Scotia;
where he is at present living. They were of English descent and Mrs. Briggs'
Grandfather Dane was an officer in the British army. Of the family of ten
children born to Mr. and Mrs. Dane, six survive. Politically Mr. Briggs is a
Republican, and he has served the city of Appleton as treasurer two years and
as assessor one year. Since 1862 he has been a member of the F. & A.
M., Waverly Lodge No.5I, and also a member of Appleton Chapter, No. 47.
Commemorative Biographical Record Of The Fox Valley, J. H. Beers,
Chicago, 1895